Arts Project: The 4 Big Art Styles

 Sfumato, Unione, Chiaroscuro,  and Cangiante. The 4 big styles of the classical periods.

For a quick overview; Sfumato is a line-less style developed by Leonardo Da Vinci himself. Da Vinci was always keen on the compositions and the art of life and wanted to emulate it through his own art. 

The Sfumato technique incorporates soft, gradual gradients of shadows and light, creating a sort of blurry or vague deep quality to the painting. His Mona Lisa for instance showcases this technique best.

The sfumato technique often features muted, brownish tones.

With my very  limited materials as well as very limited skill and experience with the medium, I did my very best to try and emulate this style. Although I wouldn't say it's my best output, I do want to explore more of this technique for future projects-both for school and personal reasons.

The next style is Unione. For a basic overview; the Unione painting technique was developed by Raphael as a response to Da Vinci's Sfumato. The Unione technique, similar to sfumato incorporates gentle, gradual gradient shadows. The main difference being that Raphael uses bright vibrant colors as suppose to Da Vinci's more muted pallette.

I had a hard time. Not to say I didn't have a hard time with everything else, I mean, everything is hard. Today was hard. First I had math assignments then I tried to learn how to ride a bike, now my butt hurts because the bike seat was old and sharp.

But I'm going off topic, sorry.

The next ones are Chiaroscuro and Cangiante. 

Chiaroscuro is a technique that uses strong, heavy shadows. The subjects usually shown from one angle with dark heavy shadows blending into their backgrounds. It's a beautiful and striking technique also developed by Da Vinci. I wish I could've done better with my output but I still have a long way to go, after all.

Cangiante is a technique developed by Giotto and famed by Michelangelo. It is a technique that uses a different shade or color for shadowing as suppose to darkening the previous color. It creates a lively and vibrant image that I could only dream of pulling off.

I tried though. I really tried. 

Here's another piece i did using the same techniques. (Another one because i forgot to film video process huhuhu 😭😭😭)


We have reached the end of my blog post. These are my attempts at imitating the 4 big art styles of the great classical period. If you're wondering why I chose teeth then you probably don't know me.

I like teeth. Cronchmmm.

Thank you for reading. 

(Aahhh... my pics are kinda blurry 😢😭😭)


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