Why is Torta So Dang Good? #IndoorsMan #IForgotHowToSpellindororosmanent #TortaTurtle

 Why IS torta so dang good?

Torta could mean a wide array of dishes and treats. It could be...

This torta:

or this one:

or even this one:

But the one I'm talking about right here is tortang bisaya, or cebu torta.

like thisss

and thisss
and even thissss

Torta, tortang mammon, torta turtle or tortang bisaya, whatever you want to call it, is one of the many delicious treats that us filipinos grew up with, it's safe to say that if you ask any of your filipino friends if they like torta, they'll definitely say 'yes' and if they don't, they're lying.

I asked this one guy, "Hey, you like torta?" and he said "um... o, pero kinsa diay ka?" which means 'yes absolutely how did you know' :)))

Torta is a creamy yet simple and tasty dessert that almost anyone can make. Torta is popular in Visayas and pretty much all of Cebu.

Anyone who comes to Cebu would have at least tried one torta, and have definitely had it again and again since. So why hold it all in here? It really is a simple yet delicious treat, snack or light meal for anyone and everyone. 


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