
Showing posts from October, 2023

Museum Shenanigans (feat. friends)

I had been anticipating our little museum outing for a while now. I was nervous and excited at the same time, it would be my first time going off somewhere that wasn't for groceries or school. And without my parents, too. I'm not usually allowed to go places without them—surprising, I know, considering how old I am but I've never particularly minded it. Though, I'll admit I have found myself feeling rather left out whenever I would see all the posts and videos and pictures of my friends hanging out together, having fun, without me. Anyway, a week before the actual outing, we had planned out what we were going to bring and what mode of transportation we were going to use. We considered commute but, well, the travel fees were... intimidating, to say the least. We had all agreed on traveling together in Steven's car, but it wasn't big enough to accommodate all 7 of us. Steven told us his older sister would drive us instead, since she had a bigger car. In our grou

Log 04: The Plagiarism Spectrum

 We all know about the existence of plagiarism and of course have a general idea of what it means and what could be considered as plagiarism, but who would've thought there was a whole spectrum of rules and considerations regarding several different types of plagiarism? People who are fond of writing and literature, probably, but most of the people I know aren't, and that includes me. While I do enjoy a good book every now and then, much like most casual readers, I only pay attention to just that; the contents. There are so many things to consider when writing or creating an object of literature and that includes the citation and credit of any and all sources and references that you may have used. Many people do it on purpose and hope they won't get caught, however, some people do it without even realizing. For this log, I will enumerate the 10 different types of plagiarism on the Plagiarism Spectrum. The first one is called Clone. It's pretty self-explanatory, a pretty

Log 03: The Difference between the Topic Sentence and the Thesis Statement

 I'm sure many a Filipino student struggles at least a little bit when it comes to English and Research-related subjects. Terms that might be considered as simple to some may prove to be rather difficult to others. From my experience, many students — including myself — have found themselves confused, mixing up one thing with another. An example of these mix-ups is the confusion between the "Topic Sentence" and the "Thesis Statement." The topic sentence of your research is usually found in the beginning of the first paragraph of an expository paper. It briefly summarizes the main idea or point of said paragraph. The thesis statement on the other hand, while also found within the first paragraph of your paper, it is not necessarily found at the start. Rather than just summarizing the paragraph it's in, a thesis statement summarizes the point or claim of the entire paper.  Although these two essential parts of an academic paper are very similar in  terms of the