Museum Shenanigans (feat. friends)

I had been anticipating our little museum outing for a while now. I was nervous and excited at the same time, it would be my first time going off somewhere that wasn't for groceries or school. And without my parents, too. I'm not usually allowed to go places without them—surprising, I know, considering how old I am but I've never particularly minded it. Though, I'll admit I have found myself feeling rather left out whenever I would see all the posts and videos and pictures of my friends hanging out together, having fun, without me. Anyway, a week before the actual outing, we had planned out what we were going to bring and what mode of transportation we were going to use. We considered commute but, well, the travel fees were... intimidating, to say the least. We had all agreed on traveling together in Steven's car, but it wasn't big enough to accommodate all 7 of us. Steven told us his older sister would drive us instead, since she had a bigger car. In our grou...